28 January 2025

Br. Patrick Bubel, O.P., on St. Thomas Aquinas and the Search for Happiness

"Crushed into near despair by a particularly nasty cold, a man reaches blindly into his pocket searching for relief. He grasps a cough drop - the sole salve for his burning throat - and unwraps it. Something catches his eye. He finds printed on the wrapper lines such as 'Impress yourself,' 'Bet on yourself,' and 'Elicit a few "wows" today.' His cough drop wrapper is giving him a pep talk. His happiness at these well-wishes, however, is fleeting. Try as he may to be positive, his cold oppresses him, his throat aches him, and his sorrow remains in him.

"If we want advice on happiness, we should turn to the happiest people alive - the saints, Today we celebrate the feast of Saint Thomas Aquinas. Although the Common Doctor of the Church is not known for his self-help books, he possesses a deep knowledge of the human heart. Writing centuries ago, Aquinas recognized a sobering, perennial truth . . ."

In a recent commentary, Brother Patrick Bubel, O.P., reflected St. Thomas Aquinas and his guidance on happiness and the search for it.

To access Br. Patrick's complete post, please visit:

Dominicana: You Can(not) Make Yourself Happy (28 JAN 25)

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