10 March 2025

Br. Ambrose Power, O.P., on Dialoguing with Religious Atheists

"There was a moment in college when I found myself on the defensive. Sixteen people had signed up for a course debating the merits of religion in the public square. A couple of us found ourselves on the minority side of a debate, defending religion against nearly the entire class. My hope was merely to offer a suggestion: Maybe religion is not the one intrinsically evil practice in all of civil society? This may sound like a low bar, but if I had set my sights more ambitiously, I don't think I would've gotten anywhere!

"'Should religion be in the public square?' For my entire life, the answer to that question seemed like an immediate 'yes,' and I never considered that anyone would think otherwise. That is until the young lady who sat next to me started talking. . . ."

In a recent commentary, Brother Ambrose Power, O.P., reflected on one way to star a dialogue with atheists.

To access Br. Ambrose's complete post, please visit:

Dominicana: How to Dialogue with Religious Atheists (27 FEB 25) 

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