17 March 2025

Br. Finbar Kantor, O.P., on Living Our Faith

"By his own testimony, Christ came that we might live fully (John 10:10). Anything less seems a waste. And I want to live. I want to really live. I don't want to live for things that, ultimately, don't fulfill. I want to live for those things that never fade (1 Cor 9:24-26).

"Living isn't ultimately about accomplishments, experiences, or accolades. Those things exist as a part of life, but they aren't the weighty things that stand at its center. Living fully is, instead, about being pointed towards the only worthwhile goal . . ."

In a recent commentary, Brother Finbar Kantor, O.P., reflected on what it mens to be fully alive.

To access Br. Finbar's complete post, please visit:

Dominicana: I Want to Live. (12 MAR 25)

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