02 March 2025

Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Today the Church celebrates the Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time  The assigned readings are Sirach 27:4-7, 1 Corinthians 15:54-58, and Luke 6:39-45. The Responsorial Psalm is from Psalm 92 (Psalm 92:2-3, 13-16).

For one version of the Responsorial Psalm set to music, please visit:

YouTube: 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time: Psalm 92 - Lord It Is Good to Give Thanks to You [YEAR C]

The Gospel reading is as follows:

Jesus told his disciples a parable, "Can a blind person guide a blind person? Will not both fall into a pit? No disciple is superior to the teacher; but when fully trained, every disciple will be like his teacher. Why do you notice the splinter in your brother's eye, but do not perceive the wooden beam in your own? How can you say to your brother, 'Brother, let me remove that splinter in your eye,' when you do not even notice the wooden beam in your own eye? You hypocrite!  Remove the wooden beam from your eye first; then you will see clearly to remove the splinter in your brother's eye.

"A good tree does not bear rotten fruit, nor does a rotten tree bear good fruit. For every tree is known by its own fruit. For people do not pick figs from thornbushes, nor do they gather grapes from brambles. A good person out of the store of goodness in his heart produces good, but an evil person out of a store of evil produces evil; for from the fullness of the heart the mouth speaks.

Reflections related to these readings:

Community in Mission: Bite Your Tongue! A Homily for the 8th Sunday of the Year (1 MAR 25)

Benedictine College: This Sunday, Jesus Says to Fight Three Kinds of Pride This Lent (27 FEB 25)

Word on Fire: The Revolution of the Resurrection (Cycle C * 8th Week * Ordinary Time) 

The Pilot: Echoes: Scott Hahn: Heart and mouth (28 FEB 25)

The Pilot: Echoes: Deacon Greg Kandra: Scripture Reflection for March 2, 2025, Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time (26 FEB 25)

Rhode Island Catholic: The Quiet Corner: Death is a tough hurdle even for the devout believer, but there is redemption in dying (27 FEB 25)

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