25 February 2010

Reflection on "no effort to assist others is ever wasted"

Today's "Three Minutes a Day" reflection from The Christophers is entitled "A Wealth of Weather History," and it reads:

"People have climbed to the National Weather Service’s station near the upstate New York Mohonk Mountain House resort for 112 years. Since the hotel opened, weather observers have recorded local temperatures and weather conditions, and recurring natural events, such as bird migrations and foliage trends.

"The recorders also recorded a wealth of local history, as well as insight into larger trends and shifts in weather patterns. Their data offers today’s scientists intriguing indicators on overall climate change and its effects. Some of the data may, for example, be useful in gauging and forecasting global warming trends. Yet, those who recorded the information likely had no idea their notations would assist researchers decades later.

"Every act you undertake to help others makes a difference. No effort to assist others is ever wasted."

This serves as a good reminder to me that all my little efforts often have consequences far beyond what I am aware of. A smile can trigger another smile, which can trigger another smile, and on and on. On the other hand, a comment sent forth in anger can trigger a similar series of unpleasant feelings.

Sometimes our efforts at doing well whatever is before us have unintended good consequences. I'm reminded of a cartoon I saw many years ago (a Tom & Jerry one, I believe). The cat (Tom) was chasing the mouse (Jerry) over shelves in a restaurant, and, as they were approaching a gap in the shelves, a waiter "happened" to pass by with a tray being held high in his hand. Jerry was able to race over the tray and escape from Tom. It's a good reminder that many times we may assist someone without even being aware of it.

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