16 August 2012

A Reflection on Extraordinary Service in Ordinary Circumstances

“As a theology major, I earned my degree turning thousands of pages of spiritual reading – reflections of saints, papal documents, and biblical exegesis. I remember highlighting quotations that struck me, whole paragraphs of intricate wording that spoke right to my soul. It’s important to continue being a student of the Catholic faith always, reading the more weighty documents and understanding Church history, but I submit that some of the best theology I’ve studied came packed in simple phrases like Christ’s “. . . whatever you did to the least of my brethren, you did it to me” (Matthew 25:40). This powerful statement was often quoted by Blessed Mother Teresa when she would compel the world to help others and pour oneself out in service to them.”

A recent commentary in the blog, The Catholic Wife, reflected on how helping the world at large begins with our ministry in our own families.

To access the complete post, please visit:

The Catholic Wife: You Did It to Me: Extraordinary Service in Ordinary Circumstances (9 AUG 12)

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