15 December 2012

Dives in Misericordia: “The Paschal Mystery” (7)

Chapter 7 of “Dives in Misericordia” (“Rich in Mercy”) is entitled “Mercy Revealed in the Cross and Resurrection.” It begins as follows:

“7. The messianic message of Christ and His activity among people end with the cross and resurrection. We have to penetrate deeply into this final event – which especially in the language of the Council is defined as the Mysterium Paschale – if we wish to express in depth the truth about mercy, as it has been revealed in depth in the history of our salvation. At this point of our considerations, we shall have to draw closer still to the content of the encyclical Redemptor hominis. If, in fact, the reality of the Redemption, in its human dimension, reveals the unheard-of greatness of man, qui talem ac tantum meruit habere Redemptorem,70 at the same time the divine dimension of the redemption enables us, I would say, in the most empirical and ‘historical’ way, to uncover the depth of that love which does not recoil before the extraordinary sacrifice of the Son, in order to satisfy the fidelity of the Creator and Father towards human beings, created in His image and chosen from ‘the beginning,’ in this Son, for grace and glory.

“The events of Good Friday and, even before that, in prayer in Gethsemane, introduce a fundamental change into the whole course of the revelation of love and mercy in the messianic mission of Christ. The one who ‘went about doing good and healing’71 and ‘curing every sickness and disease’72 now Himself seems to merit the greatest mercy and to appeal for mercy, when He is arrested, abused, condemned, scourged, crowned with thorns, when He is nailed to the cross and dies amidst agonizing torments.73 It is then that He particularly deserves mercy from the people to whom He has done good, and He does not receive it. Even those who are closest to Him cannot protect Him and snatch Him from the hands of His oppressors. At this final stage of His messianic activity the words which the prophets, especially Isaiah, uttered concerning the Servant of Yahweh are fulfilled in Christ: ‘Through his stripes we are healed.’74

70. Cf. the liturgy of the Easter Vigil: the Exsultet.
71. Acts 10:38.
72. Matthew 9:35.
73. Cf. Mark 15:37; John 19:30.
74. Isaiah 53:5.


To access the complete document, please visit:

Pope John Paul II: “Dives in Misericordia”

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