13 December 2014

A "White Christmas" Reflection

Last night, Myrna and I watched what has become a Christmas season standard - the 1954 film White Christmas. It is a great movie, with a number of good thought starters related to the ways in which we treat the people with whom we interact each day.

One particular point that caught my mind in subsequent reflection was the conclusion jumped to by Betty Haynes (played by Rosemary Clooney) regarding what she though was a self-promotional initiative by Bob Wallace (played by Bing Crosby) under the guise of helping his former commanding officer, General Thomas Waverly (played by Dean Jagger). As part of the process, Betty took a number of isolated bits of information and wove them into an erroneous conclusion about Bob.

It was a reminder to me of how easy it is to reach wrong conclusions using only partial pieces of information> it was also a reminder of an adage I often repeat - "There's always more to the story." May this lesson continue to impress itself in my mind.

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