29 June 2015

Simcha Fisher on Our Presence as Catholics in Today's World

"Between my adequate-ish knowledge of scripture and our 175-pound mastiff, I think we've seen the last of this particular Jehovah's Witness.

"The woman who came to our door this morning had been here before (back when the dog was smaller and less ... avid), but I think she's finally chalked us up as a lost cause. She said that she had been raised Catholic -- that her own mother is a Eucharistic Minister in my parish. I hate to think what her catechesis was like! She was under the impression that Catholics don't read the Bible or think about what it means. I was able to persuade her otherwise, just by quoting a few lines of the Gospel that I've heard a thousand times at Mass; so at least there's that.

"I wish that I had been less defensive and more inviting, though. As an evangelist, I'm laboring under a triple whammy: I'm a New Englander, I'm shy, and I'm a Catholic. (Also I was in my pajamas, but so is half the country.) All three together mean that I'm entirely focused on closing the door as quickly as I can and getting back to my comfortable, private living room. I have almost zero inclination to tell a stranger, 'Hey, have you heard about this magnificent truth which will transform your life? Let me tell you . . .'

"But that is what the Pope (and all the Popes since Peter, for goodness' sake) has been telling us to do: not to be content with hunkering down and preserving the Faith within our fortress, but to actively go out and spread the Good News."

In a recent commentary, writer Simcha Fisher reflected on the importance of being a Catholic presence to those we encounter each day.

To access her complete reflection, please visit:

NC Register: Blog: Knock knock! Who's there? A Catholic. (25 JUN 15)

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