06 September 2015

Msgr. Pope on Testing Everything and Holding Fast to What Is Good

"How do you and I regard this world? How do we perceive its offerings, philosophies, and standards? I pray that we soberly assess the things of this world. Sadly, many Christians pass through their days in this world in a very unreflective manner, accepting without critique many ungodly and harmful notions. Almost anything can be spewed forth from the television, the radio, or some celebrity's mouth and many people will accept it uncritically, even with applause. Many will look at, read, and purchase material that is not only contrary to what our faith teaches, but even ridicules it or presents it in an unfair, unbalanced, or distorted way. Many parents pay far too little attention to what their children are being taught in school, what they are viewing, and to what they are listening.

"St. Paul exhorted, Test everything; hold fast what is good (1 Thess 5:21). Do we?

"Note that St. Paul does not say that everything is bad (in this instance he was referring more specifically to prophecy). Rather, he says that we should test everything. And how should that be done? For us who believe, everything should be tested by the revealed Word of God in Sacred Scripture and the Doctrine of the Church."

In a recent commentary, Monsignor Charles Pope (pastor of Holy Comforter-Saint Cyprian Parish, Washington, DC) reflected on an excerpt from The Imitation of Christ that addressed the tendency of people to follow the guidance of the world rather than the guidance of God and his Church.

To access Msgr. Pope’s complete post, please visit:

Community in Mission: Test Everything; Hold Fast to What Is Good - A Meditation on a Teaching from the Imitation of Christ (1 SEP 15)

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