23 May 2018

David Mills on a Friend Entering the Catholic Church

"On Sunday afternoon at the Church of the Holy Family in New York City near the United Nations, my young friend Barbara stood in front of a priest. She stood by herself except for a nun, her sponsor, standing at her side and slightly behind her.

"The priest, the nun, and my friend made a small island in the wide space in front of the altar. At the center was the small young woman in a long flowered skirt that was, like her, restrained and festive. Barbara had invited her friends to see her change her life.

"She said, 'I believe and profess all that the holy Catholic Church believes, teaches, and proclaims to be revealed by God.' The priest then confirmed her and she returned to her seat and the Mass went on."

In a recent commentary, writer David Mills writer on thoughts and emotions encountered when a friend entered into full communion with the Catholic Church.

To access Mr. Mill's complete post, please visit:

Aleteia: David Mills: On entering the Church: When a friend becomes family (23 MAY 18)

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