16 March 2019

The 'Old Man of the Mountain' Inspires Music Composition

"Tim Cohen first visited New Hampshire during a family road trip when he was about 10 years old. Traveling from their home in Cape May, N.J., the family arrived in Franconia Notch eager to see the Old Man of the Mountain.

"'It was kind of a foggy, rainy day and you couldn't really see it,"' he recalled during an interview earlier this month. 'We walked down the path, and as soon as we got down there, it cleared just long enough that we got to see him. It just stuck with me.'

"So much so that some four decades later, Cohen, now 51 and the principal percussionist with the New Hampshire Philharmonic, has composed 'Profile Suite: A Profile of the Old Man of the Mountain.' . . ."

A recent  article in the New Hampshire Union Leader profiled Mr. Chen and his composition.

To access the complete New Hampshire Union Leader report, please visit:

New Hampshire Union Leaser: Composer creates music inspired by the Old Man of the Mountain (16 FEB 19)

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