19 May 2020

Br. Hyacinth Grubb, O.P., on Our Lives Are Like the Grass

"Disease and pandemics have always been a part of human life. While this current disease and the unprecedented world-wide shutdown imposes extraordinary hardships, illness is not a new thing. In fact, this infection embodies and manifests our already frail human condition; it is a shocking reminder of the daily reality we inhabit - not a break or contradiction.

"But in the beginning, it was not so. Death and disease are the curse of original sin and the inheritance we receive from our first parents. Because our fallen state of sin is the cause of disease, no human work can completely heal it. No advance in medicine, or epidemiology, or public health policy will eliminate pandemics altogether, for our brokenness is too deep and beyond the reach of merely human progress. And so this coronavirus teaches us our frailty anew and reminds us of what has always been true: we walk in the vale of tears under the shadow of death, our lives are like grass that springs up beautiful in the morning but by evening withers and fades (Ps 90:6)."

In a recent commentary, Brother Hyacinth Grubb, O.P., reflected three ways we can respond to this fallen state and on how the "Prince of Life who died reins immortal."

To access Br. Hyacinth's complete post, please visit:

Dominicana: Like the Grass (19 MAY 20)

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