21 July 2020

Brother Vincent Mary Bernhard, O.P., on St. Thomas Aquinas

"Here in Washington, when the brothers chant the Salve Regina in procession, we often pass lay people who join the friars in prayer. Some are familiar faces and others are new; many are young college students working on papers and preparing for exams, while still more are taking a moment to pray amidst the busyness of the world.

"As I pass this visiting band of men and women, I have thought that, once upon a time in the city of Naples, a young man by the name of Tommaso d'Aquino stood in the back of a Dominican chapel much like our own, listening to the chanting of the friars. Overcome by the witness of the friars and the beauty of their prayer, he resolved to give up everything in pursuit of Christ after the pattern of life founded by Saint Dominic."

In a recent commentary, Brother Vincent Mary Bernhard, O.P., reflected on the life and ministry of St. Thomas Aquinas..

To access Br. Vincent Mary's complete post, please visit: 

Dominicana: An Answered Call (28 JAN 20)

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