03 July 2010

Reflection Starter from the Annunciation of the Lord

While reflecting on the First Joyful Mystery of the Rosary (the Annunciation of the Lord) this morning, I was picturing Mary just bopping around attending to her duties.

There are two traditions related to this - one is that the archangel, Gabriel, appeared to her while she was at the local well, and the other is that Gabriel appeared to her while she was at home. I don't know which - if either - is true, but I suspect she was attending to some duty or need.

Anyway, all of a sudden this strange figure appeared and invited her to become the mother of Jesus. I can imagine her being overwhelmed with a variety of different emotions during this event. She did, however, accept this invitation.

While I don't expect an angel to appear before me with an invitation from the good Lord, I am often extended one just the same. This same son of God, the Lord Jesus, whom Mary carried as a little baby, often has called and continues to call me (and others) to spend some time with Him.  It may be for a visit in a chapel before the Blessed Sacrament, and it may be at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. This same Jesus is just as real there as he was as a little baby in Bethlehem, as a young boy growing up in Nazareth, as an itinerant preacher going throughout the Holy Land, as the crucified Savior on the cross, and as the One seated at the right hand of the Father in Heaven.

How do I respond?

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