29 January 2020

Br. Bertrand Hebert, O.P., on God's Perspective Vis-à-vis Our Perspective

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways my ways. (Isa 55:8)

"As friars, we have the opportunity to share in the struggles of many people whom we meet. These words above of the prophet Isaiah can be a source of consolation for some of these people, but are they enough? When life is difficult and God's providence seems to have ordered it as such, are we just supposed to say to ourselves, 'Deal with it, because God just doesn't act the way we do'? Is this answer just a cop-out on God's part? While these words of Isaiah are a life-line for some, it seems others wouldn't find them very satisfying."

In a recent commentary, Brother Bertrand Hebert, O.P., reflected on how God's perspective is higher than ours and on how "God is intimately involved in our lives, even from his elevated state" and He "both governs the events that unfold on these winding roads, while also walking with us."

To access Br. Bertrand's complete post, please visit:

Dominicana: Responding to a Divine Cop-Out (23 JAN 20)

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