11 October 2022

Br. Pius Henry, O.P., on the Sanctuary Lamp

"Signs are everywhere in our daily life. We look to signs as a way of navigating our daily lives. Oftentimes a sign seems to go unnoticed until it disappears, malfunctions, or is disobeyed. Consider a traffic light. . . .

"A Catholic Church is full of signs. The windows, paintings, statues, and altar all point to something greater than themselves. They remind us and direct us to truths that are not always immediately apparent, but which, by faith, we grasp as efficacious and important to our daily lives. . . . 

"Of all of the signs in a church there is one in particular that I propose is the most neglected, yet which is strikingly universal and irreplaceable in its significance. Next to each tabernacle reserving the Blessed Sacrament, there burns a steady flame, sometimes white, sometimes red, but always communicating the same thing: Jesus Christ - body, blood, soul, and divinity - dwells here. . . ."

In a recent commentary, Brother Pius Henry, O.P., reflected on the tabernacle lamp and the blessing it is.

To access Br. Pius' complete post, please visit:

Dominicana: Sanctuary Lamp (11 OCT 22)

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