08 February 2023

Tom Hoopes on the Need for the Church in Today's World

"Bishop Robert Barron asked every Catholic to invite someone to Mass this year. It is time to stop feeling resigned to the Church's demise and start building the Church, he said in his YouTube video '4 Ways to Grow the Church.'

"To help in that effort, I have been providing reasons we can have hope in - and be proud of - the Catholic Church in the 21st century. Today, I want to share the Church's witnesses to faith, hope and love, because without the Church's work in the 20th century, the world would be a very different and far harsher place in the 21st century."

In a recent commentary, Tom Hoopes (writer in residence at Benedictine College, Atchison, Kansas) reflected on how our witnesses to faith are providing the answers the world needs during these challenging times.

To access his complete essay, please visit:

Aleteia: Tom Hoopes: How harsh the world would be without the Church! (6 FEB 23)

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