"Suppose you're out running an errand and you pass a friend's house. You hadn't planned to see him, but you have some time to spare, and there's a light on at his place. Do you stop by for a visit?
"It's a tough call. You would have to
consider several factors, including whether he is the type of person who
would mind an unexpected guest, whether you have enough time to make
stopping worthwhile, and finally, what kind of relationship you have
with him - specifically, whether the two of you will likely find something
to talk about if you do drop in."
In a recent commentary, Brother Samuel Trecost, O.P., reflected on opportunities to visit Jesus,truly present in the tabernacle of every Catholic church..
To access Br. Samuel's complete post, please visit:
Dominicana: To Visit, or Not to Visit? (13 OCT 23)
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