07 July 2024

Elizabeth Scalia on a Little Way to Pray All Day

"There is a saying, dubiously attributed to St. Francis de Sales but it sounds more like Venerable Fulton Sheen to me: 'Every one of us needs half an hour of prayer every day, except when we are busy -- then we need an hour.'

"It's a clever phrase -- and true, too. When parenthood and career kept me at my busiest, I was somehow managing to spend more time in prayer at my little oratory than ever before or since. I cannot explain how -- perhaps there is some strange metaphysical phenomenon of time touching timelessness and becoming more flexible, shrinking or expanding as needed, as we commingle our hearts, minds and spirits with the Triune reality that is eternal."

In a recent commentary, writer Elizabeth Scalia reflected on the importance of being open to
the slightest prompting to prayer and giving oneself over to that moment..

To access Ms. Scalia's complete post, please visit:

The Pilot: Echoes: Elizabeth Scalia: The little way to pray all day, even if you have no time to spare! (28 JUN 24)

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