05 July 2024

Fr. Joe Newman, OSFS, on Falling, Healing, and Persevering

"I love watching the Tour de France! When I was a senior at DeSales University I joined the cycling team.  We competed with many universities around the East coast. I did this primarily so I could claim to be a collegiate athlete for the rest of my life. In reality, I was not much of a competitor, and I cycled because I really enjoyed the sport. . . .

"I've never forgotten that lesson that the best cyclists fall.  I crashed in Boston for my second race.  I healed. . . . 

"A similar insight appears from Francis and Jane over and over again. . . ."

In a recent commentary based on the writings of St. Francis de Sales, Father Joe Newman, OSFS, reflected on our falling, healing, and persevering in our love of God and neighbor.

To access Fr. Newman's complete post, please visit:

De Sales Weekly: Provincial Reflection: Falling, Healing, Persevering
(4 JUL 24)

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