20 August 2024

On Encouraging Nature Time over Screen Time

"For several years, public health experts have been sounding the alarm about the adverse health consequences that extreme screen-time consumption can have on children's cognitive and social-emotional development. According to recent studies, 'excessive screen usage has detrimental effects on social and emotional growth, including a rise in the likelihood of obesity, sleep disorders, and mental health conditions including depression and anxiety. It can obstruct the ability to interpret emotions, fuel aggressive conduct, and harm one’s psychological health in general.' Research such as the above drive NRPA's work toward developing critical resources and supporting data to help communicate to your community the essential role that local parks and recreation has in enhancing children's health outcomes. These tools also help to encourage parents and caregivers to prioritize their children’s nature time over screen time."

A recent article in Parks & Recreation Magazine highlighted some of the ways in which children can be encourage to spend time with nature instead of with screens.

To access the complete article, please visit:

Parks and Recreation Magazine: Encourage Nature Time Over Screen Time (July 2024)

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