19 August 2024

On Reading Literature as Part of Priesthood Prep

"When Carter Anderson started seminary formation two years ago, he likely knew that hitting the books would be on the agenda. 

"But what the Diocese of Helena, Montana, seminarian might not have known at the time was that, in addition to sacred Scripture and theological texts, works of fiction would also play an important part in his preparation for the priesthood.  

"In particular, Anderson cites the impact of reading Georges Bernanos' The Diary of a Country Priest in his first year of formation at St. Paul Seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota."

A recent National Catholic Register article reported on "the important role reading fiction can play in the formation of future priests."

To access the complete National Catholic Register report, please visit:

National Catholic Register: A Novel Idea: Seminarians Read Literature as Prep for Priesthood (15 AUG 24)

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