25 March 2012

Pat Gohn on Praying Saint Patrick’s Breastplate

“For the Christian, joy in all its flavors - silly or sublime - is a supernatural spillover from the graces of baptism. Indeed, baptism creates a profound connection to the deepest joys and fellowship of the Holy Trinity, felt most palpably by mere mortals in the presence of Christ.

“Patrick, as evidenced by his preaching and his prayers, knew the source of his joy. . . .

“St. Patrick's Breastplate is a powerful Trinitarian prayer and I highly recommend its efficacy, especially in Lent. Whenever I feel I may be faltering, or dealing with any kind of difficulty, oppression, or spiritual battle, it invigorates me. I invite you to pray it and reflect on it.”

In a recent commentary, Pat Gohn reflected on Saint Patrick’s Breastplate as a prayer for Lent, as a prayer for living life.

To access her complete post, please visit:

A Word in Season: Praying St. Patrick's Breastplate (14 MAR 12)

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