07 March 2013

Msgr. Pope on “Meeting Ourselves Coming Back”

“One of the things I often marvel at is that a good number of young people are more socially conservative than their parents.

“I am in the last five years of the Baby Boom generation, perhaps the most selfish, immature, egotistical and rebellious generation that has ever lived in this country. The rebellion reached full flower in 1968, a terrible year not only of assassinations, but also of open sexual misconduct, the celebration of rebellion, of immature disrespect of authority and tradition, and a large percentage of people  stoned out of their mind. . . .

“To some degree, the next generation will react to the reaction, rebel against the rebellion. And at least to some extent I have seen it. A lot of the younger people I have met and am preparing for marriage or see at theology on tap sessions, or meet over at the seminary and in novitiate for the Order in my parish, are re-embracing the tradition their parents and grandparents so carelessly cast aside. Further, these younger people see what a disaster the lives of their parents and grandparents have been with failed marriages, addictions, STDs, and many other ills.”

In a recent commentary, Monsignor Charles Pope (pastor of Holy Comforter-Saint Cyprian Parish, Washington, DC) reflected on how some younger people who are “picking up the pieces of things their boomer parents shattered and reconsidering once discarded treasures.”

To access Msgr. Pope’s complete post, please visit:

Msgr. Charles Pope: Meeting ourselves coming back. A reflection on the reaction to the reaction in our culture. (1 MAR 13)

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