04 March 2013

On C. Everett Koop’s Connection with Padre Pio

Recently, Dr. C. Everett Koop passed away ay his home in Hanover, NH. Dr. Koop served as Surgeon General of the United States under President Ronald Reagan.

“Dr. Koop, who was Surgeon General from 1981 through 1989, was the most visible and the most influential person ever to hold that office.  During his tenure Dr. Koop raised our national awareness regarding the health dangers of cigarette smoking, and established an aggressive government policy toward AIDS.  He fought to strengthen the rights of handicapped children, campaigning to protect newborns with defects, which led to Congress passing the Baby Doe Amendment. . . .

“In his medical practice, C. Everett Koop was a pediatric surgeon who achieved international recognition for successfully separating conjoined twins and for advancing the field of pediatric surgery with new lifesaving procedures.

“Of particular interest is the case of critically ill Veramarie Calandra, fifth child of Harry and Vera Calandra, who operated a small grocery store in Norristown, Pa.  Veramarie was born in 1966, and suffered from a congenital kidney disease.  Dr. Koop performed several surgeries on the infant’s severe urinary tract defects at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, finally removing her bladder and warning her parents that she could not live that way, and that the child was certain to die.”

In a recent commentary, writer Kathy Schiffer reflected on Dr. Koop’s accomplishment’s and on his patient, Veramarie, who may have been miraculously healed through the prayers of Padre Pio.

To access Ms. Schiffer’s complete post, please visit:

Seasons of Grace: C. Everett Koop: The Padre Pio Connection (26 FEB 13)

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