25 April 2015

Catholics and Care of the Environment

"What does it mean to be truly pro-life? Amid debates over abortion and the death penalty, Catholic ecologists say that one issue is often overlooked in discussions involving human life and dignity – the environment.

"'Environmental truths are very much linked to and related to human life issues. They're really one in the same,' said Bill Patenaude, a special lecturer in theology at Providence College and founder of the website 'Catholic Ecology.'"

"He explained that recent Popes have drawn a clear connection between the dignity of the human person and the surrounding environment.

"'The Church has had a fundamental respect for nature since the very beginning and has brought it to the world,' Patenaude told CNA.

"Discussions abound regarding environmental problems, their causes and a proper Catholic response. . . ."

A recent Catholic News Agency article reported on environmental issues facing the world and why, as Pope Francis said, care for the environment is "part of our principal goal of trying to live a holy life."

To access the complete Catholic News Agency report, please visit:

Catholic News Agency: Why no Catholic is exempt from caring about the environment (22 APR 15)

Background information:

Catholic Ecology

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