14 July 2015

On Politicians and the Spiritual Life

"I've heard lots of commentaries recently by people who are utterly infuriated with politicians. Now, this blog isn't generally concerned with politics, but I ran across a priceless reflection this week that seems perfectly suited for the times in which we live.

"As regular visitors to gratefulconvert.com know, the late Fr. Ray Ryland was a dear friend, mentor, and source of tremendous inspiration for many years. Among his countless positive contributions to our lives was his column in OSV's The Catholic Answer magazine (well worth the cost of a subscription, by the way). Do you think politics and sainthood can ever go together? . . ."

In a recent commentary, writer Kevin Lowry offered and reflected on Father Ray's commentary (including the reminder that laypersons (including politicians) must "not separate their union with Christ from their ordinary life; but through the very performance of their tasks, which are God's will for them, actually promote the growth of their union with Him."

To access Kevin's complete post, please visit:

Grateful Convert: Saintly Politicians? (11 JUL 15)

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