27 May 2017

Patrick Coffin on the Weirdness of Catholicism

"Let's face it. Catholicism is weird. This is true for ignorant outsiders and for dissenting insiders. Like the Hebrews of old, Catholics are a peculiar people, a people set apart (Deuteronomy 14:2; Psalm 4:3; 1 Peter 2:9).

"The ethno-hyphenated Catholics ('My sainted grandma was born in Galway and my son is at Notre Dame - so of course we're Catholic') are not so weird. They fit in too well. I'm talking about the 'all-in' serious Catholics who do things like accept all the teachings of the Church, including the hard sayings.

"In a world of Kardashian-worshippers, anyone who thinks sex is reserved for marriage, or that marriage cannot be redefined without grave consequences to society and culture, or that contraception undercuts not only the procreative dimension of marital union but also the unitive dimension, or, for that matter, that a man who grew up in Nazareth is the God of the universe and that He founded a Church (after suffering torture and death and rising from the dead) and gave her sacraments and the gift of infallibility - is by definition, weird.

"See, once you accept the weird label, things get easier and become clearer."

In a recent commentary, writer Patrick Coffin reflected on the teachings of the Church and on how it would be much stranger if the teachings of His Church were less weird than the world He created.

To access Mr. Coffin's complete post, please visit:

National Catholic Register: Blogs: Patrick Coffin: Let's Face It: Catholicism is Weird (25 MAY 17)

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