15 May 2017

Reflection Starter from Johnny Ray Youngblood

""You are in no way optional. Some of us may be obsolete, but you are not optional. Nor, graduates, do you have any options.…the world family needs you. You are not optional and you have no options.

"We don't need more people who want to manage, maintain, critique, analyze, merely live off the blood and money and sweat and tears and backs of those who came before us, especially who built imperfectly the institutions and patterns of thought and behavior that we have fallen heirs to today. We need more teachers, not educational experts.…The world needs more engineers who love the shape and feel of lumber and glass and steel.…No more pastors and rabbis and priests and nuns who just take care of business as usual, but men and women who will approach even the sacred truths with new revelations.…We need men and women who want to roll up their sleeves and build or rebuild the backbone institutions of the public sector and the voluntary sector." - Johnny Ray Youngblood (in his 1993 Commencement Address at Boston University, in which he took on the role of a recruiter for real life)

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