26 June 2018

Br. Irenaeus Dunlevy, O.P., on the Beauty of the Soul

"Ever since the creation of the world, his invisible attributes of eternal power and divinity have been able to be understood and perceived in what he has made. - Rom 1:20

"We learn and come to know what is invisible through our senses. We know the invisible through the visible. God, Who is invisible, immaterial, and hidden from our senses, reveals something of Himself in creation. In Thomistic terms, we say a cause can be known through its effects, albeit in a limited way.

"Something spectacular about humanity, the crown of visible creation, is that it mimics God with its creativity. We don't create as God creates - not even the angels do that - but we do reveal something hidden in our artistic creations. The artist reveals something of his soul in his work. The invisible life of the soul takes on a sensible form in the art. The visible effect reveals something of the invisible cause."

In a recent commentary, Brother Irenaeus Dunlevy, O.P., reflected on how "artistic work, architectural or otherwise, that is centered on God can begin to reveal the beauty of the soul in which God dwell."

To access Br. Pier’s complete post, please visit:

Dominicana: The Beauty of the Soul (26 JUN 18)

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