17 November 2018

On Father Willie Doyle

"It was the eleventh hour of the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918 when the armistice ended World War I and became what we now celebrate as Veterans Day.

"'The war showed us the strength of great nations acting together for high purposes,' Woodrow Wilson wrote to Americans on that day.

"The salvation of souls was one of those 'high purposes' for Irish Jesuit Father Willie Doyle, who served as the chaplain of the 16th Irish Division of the British army during World War I.

"His tenacity in spiritually and physically shepherding the soldiers led him to become a hero and prompted the consideration of his cause for sainthood."

A recent National Catholic Register article profiled Father Doyle and why his cause is being considered.

To access the complete National Catholic Register report, please visit:

National Catholic Register: Father Willie Doyle: World War I's Forgotten 'Martyr of Charity' (10 NOV 18)

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