06 December 2018

Fr. Ron Rolheiser on a Different Kind of Bucket-List

"What's still unfinished in your life?

"Well, there's always a lot that's unfinished in everyone's life. Nothing is ever really finished. Our lives, it seems, are simply interrupted by our dying. Most of us don't complete our lives, we just run out of time. So, consciously or unconsciously, we make a bucket-list of things we still want to see, do, and finish before we die.

"What do we still want to do? A number of things probably immediately come to the fore: We want to see our children grow up. We want to see our daughter's wedding. We want to see our grandchildren. We want to finish this last work of art, of writing, of building. We want to see our 80th birthday. We want to reconcile with our family.

"Beyond these, more important things, we generally have another list of things we were too busy, preoccupied, or economically disadvantaged to do earlier in life. . . .

"But in fantasizing about what's unfinished in our lives there's the danger of missing out on the richness of what's actually going on in our lives and our real task in the moment. The better question is: How do I want to live now so as to be ready to die when it's my time?"

In a recent commentary, Father Ronald Rolheiser, O.M.I. reflected on how to live now so as to be ready to die when it's our time.

To access Father Ron's complete post, please visit:

The Boston Pilot: Echoes: A Different Kind of Bucket-List (5 DEC 18)

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