16 June 2020

Br. Brendan Baran, O.P., on Social Distancing

"Six-foot spacing, facemasks, Zoom calls. During the spring of 2020 we have lived in a period of attenuated relationship. We cannot be close to our loved ones, we obscure our faces, we communicate through a grainy medium. Seeking community with others, we meet constant frustration. While some have suffered terribly from the physical disease, all have suffered from isolation, to one degree or another.

"The last few months have proven that 'social distancing' is fundamentally anti-social. Attenuated relationships are fundamentally deficient relationships. But even before COVID, we often engaged in the voluntary loneliness of self-imposed social distancing."

In a recent commentary, Brother Brendan Baran, O.P., reflected on the distancing that has often been present in many relationships, on how humans are fundamentally social creatures, and on the importance of deepening our relationship with God.

To access Br. Brendan's complete post, please visit:

Dominicana: Social Distancing (10 JUN 20)

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