19 October 2020

Bishop Tobin on Channel Flipping and the Christian Message

"I don't watch a whole lot of television. In the morning I'll check out the news and weather while I'm having breakfast. And in the evening, after I've settled in, I'll watch a couple hours of sports, politics, weather, and sitcom reruns, before taking the dog outside and going to bed. That's about it.

"But, my confession is this: I'm a serial channel flipper. With remote in hand, I flip channels constantly, just about every time a commercial comes on or the program momentarily loses my interest. . . ."

In a recent commentary, Bishop Thomas J. Tobin, of the Diocese of Providence (RI), reflected on the drama caused by the multiplication of TV options and the insecurity the remote control inflicts vis-à-vis the clarity and stability of the Christian message.

To access Bishop Tobin's complete essay, please visit: 

The Imitation of Christ: Confessions of a Serial Channel Flipper (15 OCT 20) 

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