24 January 2021

Msgr. Pope on Finding Peace in a Difficult Moment

". . .Like many of you I am both mystified and disoriented by the events of the past year: a pandemic, people walking around in masks, fear everywhere, racial strife, protests nearly all year long that frequently turned violent, and finally a contested election and an attack on the Capitol. My own neighborhood currently resembles Belfast more than it does Washington, D.C. Blockades topped with razor wire seem to be everywhere; bridges are blocked; people are warned not to enter the city on Wednesday (Inauguration Day).

"I feel as if I'm living in a strange, eerie dream, and I am deeply saddened by the decline of our culture. It has been eroding for decades, but lately there has been a rapid, frightening collapse. We seem only to be able to shout and fight. . . . Secularization is rapidly expanding. Church attendance is even lower than it was after the shutdown. Even the vaccines, for which we so prayed and which were developed at 'warp speed,' are a source of contention. . . . Nearly everything is a source of bitter division. It feels as if we are living in a cauldron that is near boiling.

"The only place I can find peace is to go before the Lord and admit that I am powerless over most of this. I pour out my concerns to the Lord and wonder why these things are happening. . . ."

In a recent commentary, Monsignor Charles Pope (pastor of Holy Comforter-Saint Cyprian Parish, Washington, DC) reflected on how, in the midst of all that is happening these days, "God is in charge and is working out His purposes.".

To access Msgr. Pope's complete post, please visit:

Community in Mission: Finding Peace in a Difficult Moment (17 JAN 21)

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