13 June 2019

Kathryn Jean Lopez on Fr. James Shall's Meditations for Living

"A few weeks ago, the word was that Father James V. Schall, S. J., was in his final days. At 91, that's not too shocking. At the same time, the 'retired,' storied Georgetown politics professor remains more productive than many of us.

"So I sent him a few questions the other day about life and death, and he answered. It's a mediation on everything - all of the things we really ought to be thinking about more. Death is inescapable. Why don't we live more fully? Here's a man who does."

In a recent commentary, Kathryn Jean Lopez, editor-at-large of National Review Online and nationally syndicated columnist, offered some of Father Schall's reflections on living.

To access her complete post, please visit:

National Review: On 'Coming Back' (19 JAN 19)

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