"'Put out into the deep . . .' (Lk 5:4) That was the admonition that Jesus gave to his disciples: an admonition that Pope John Paul II repeated in the conclusion of his for the Great Jubilee, Novo Millennio Ineunte. It sounds so easy. But it takes courage.
"The oceans, with their unfathomed depths and their incalculable powers, can be dangerous - as today’s news headlines remind us. When we speak of the 'oceans' of God's mercy - even deeper, even stronger - we must speak with awe."
In a recent commentary, Phil Lawler, editor of Catholic World News, reflected on the blessings related to immersing ourselves in prayer.
To access Mr. Lawler's complete post, please visit:
Catholic Culture: Getting in over our heads in the life of prayer (21 jun 23)
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