20 May 2024

Bishop Henning on Connecting with the Natural World

". . . Mother's Day [is] a traditional time to turn to yards and gardens as the land shakes off the vestiges of winter. I have been doing some gardening myself and I have been thinking about the Bible's frequent use of language and imagery taken from agriculture, animal husbandry and fishing.

"In our own time, many of us have grown distant from these more 'earthy' occupations. With the industrial revolution and the rise of the cities and suburbs, farmers, fishermen, ranchers and shepherds have become a small minority. . . ."

In a recent commentary, Bishop Richard G. Henning, the bishop of the Diocese of Providence (RI), reflected on "ways to grasp the Lord's teachings and connect with the natural world - a world that breathes the wisdom of God."

To access Bishop Henning's complete essay, please visit:

The State of Hope: "A sower went out to sow…" (16 MAY 24)

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