31 May 2024

Fr. Joe Newman, OSFS, on God Wanting to Be with Us

"I feel as though I reveal many of my shortcomings in these reflections in DeSales Weekly. Well, here is another one - I'm always late. I chronically over-schedule and underestimate the time it will take to accomplish a task. I write this fully knowing my community will reinforce this personal insight at tonight's dinner.

"After my sophomore year in college, my dad arrived, and I had not packed a single thing. . . . I felt terrible, like I was wasting my dad's time. . . . In response, my dad said: 'Joe, you are my son. There is nowhere else I'd rather be.' . . ."

In a recent commentary based on the writings of St. Francis de Sales, Father Joe Newman, OSFS, reflected on how God isn't present out of duty or obligation, but that He wants to be with us

To access Fr. Newman's complete post, please visit:

De Sales Weekly: Provincial Reflection: Nowhere Else
(30 MAY 24)

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