26 May 2024

Daniale Gordon on Letting Go of Envy

"Bertrand Russel, a philosopher of the twentieth century, wrote that envy is one of the most powerful causes of unhappiness. If we want to live well, we need to know the paths to follow and the paths to avoid. Envy can become a prison we create for ourselves. Why do we feel envy? And how can we break free from it? Or, better yet, escape it in the first place?

"I know from my experience that envy can steal my peace. It often arises from comparisons where we see ourselves falling short of others, especially when we think we are just as “worthy” as the people to whom we compare ourselves "

In a recent post, writer Daniel Gordon reflected on some of the causes of envy and how we can let it go.

To access Mr. Gordon's complete post, please visit:

Daniel Gordon: Do You Ever Feel Envy? Me Too. This is Why We Feel It - And How to Let it Go (20 MAY 24)

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