27 May 2024

John Touhey on a Transition from Soldier in Iraq to Priesthood.

"Army specialist David Santos was on patrol in Iraq in 2005 when a roadside bomb exploded next to his vehicle. IEDs (Improvised Explosive Devises) were a huge threat during this phase of the Iraq War, killing and wounding countless soldiers. Observing and impeding the insurgents who planted these roadside bombs was at the heart of his team's mission. . . .

"Twenty years later, Fr. David recalls being on patrol when the IED was detonated. 'It was always a dangerous area,' he tells Aleteia. As they rode along, suddenly there was a loud bang 'and our Humvee was filled with dust, and we're like — what!?'

"Fortunately, this particular bomb had been buried too deep. There were no casualties, but the incident served to remind David of 'the fragility of life, particularly on that day.' Fr. David keeps a piece of shrapnel from the bomb as a reminder of the incident."

In a recent commentary, writer John Touhey reflected on
Father Santos' transition from soldier in Iraq to the priesthood.

To access his complete essay, please visit:

Aleteia: John Touhey: He was a soldier in Iraq and became a "Soldier of Christ" (27 MAY 24)

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