14 May 2024

Br. Pius Henry, O.P., on the Blessing of Plain Water

"'Water's fine.'

"How many times have we said that to the restaurant waiter? Perhaps we were indecisive about which soda we wanted to order, or unsure if this was one of those lunches where we were all getting a beer, so we panicked and ordered water so as not to be that guy.

"In our modern world we have become accustomed to a great deal of variety in what we consume. There is always one more flavor of sparkling water to try, a different kind of micro-brew to test out. Change has become the only constant."

In a recent commentary, Brother Pius Henry, O.P., reflected on the blessing of plain water and its relationship to Christ taking the simple and accomplishing the extraordinary.

To access Br. Pius' complete post, please visit:

Dominicana: "Water's Fine." (7 MAY 24)

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