01 August 2024

Fr. Paul Colloton, OSFS on Kindness and Good Will and Clashing Opinions

"Our founder, Bl. Louis Brisson, OSFS, wrote this:

'In the case of difficult questions, when contrary opinions clash, you may of course defend your point of view. However, do so with kindness and good will so you may win your point because of your conciliatory tone. You will make a good impression by your insightful presentation.' (Chapter 1891: 6)

"I find his words very appropriate for today. We live in divisive times almost everywhere one looks and much of what I hear and read is vitriolic. We seem to have lost basic respect for people, especially those who do not think or act like we do."

In a recent commentary, Father Paul Colloton, OSFS (Superior, De Sales Centre Oblate Residence, Childs, MD), reflected on some of the ways the spirituality of St. Francis de Sales may be applied in today's world.

To access Fr.
Colloton's complete reflection, please visit:

De Sales Weekly: Salesian Reflection: Kindness and Good Will (1 OCT 24)

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