02 August 2024

George Weigel on Charity, Good Manners, and Driving the Interstates

"The Catechism of the Catholic Church says some interesting things about charity, the supreme theological virtue that, as St. Paul wrote in Colossians 3:14, 'binds everything together in perfect harmony.' . . .

"Charity is also the virtue informing good manners. And the sorry condition of good manners among us these days is perhaps a point in favor of those who argue (inaccurately, in my view) that America has become a post-Christian country. But even if we're not yet a post-Christian country – one in which appeals to Christian truths and moral norms have zero public traction (cf. France) – we are rapidly becoming a post-Christian culture, as demonstrated by the fact that both American high culture and American pop culture indulge and often promote bad manners. . ."

In a recent commentary, George Weigel (columnist and Distinguished Senior Fellow, Ethics and Public Policy Center, Washington, DC) reflected on the importance good manners to our culture and on the place of good driving habits as possible starting point.

To access Mr. Weigel's complete post, please visit:

Denver Catholic: Charity, good manners, and driving the Interstates (31 JUL 24)

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