06 August 2024

Russell Shaw on God's Providential Plan and Politics

"A chorus of populist theologizing greeted the attempted assassination of Donald Trump. Much of it was along the lines of 'Considering that the shot missed killing him by only a couple of inches, God must have been looking out for him.'

"I fully agree. God certainly was looking out for the former president. So what else might we say about what happened?

"Although pushing too hard to explain God's ways can be presumptuous, we can at least say that any serious attempt to understand will run up against mystery. Comprehending God's plan in its literally unimaginable extent and complexity lies far beyond our limited capacity for grasping divine realities other than those he reveals. . . ."

In a recent commentary, writer Russell Shaw reflected on how, while God's purposes are often unknowable by us, He has a plan and on how all human activities, including politics, must be purified and perfected by the cross and resurrection of Christ.

To access Mr. Shaw's complete post, please visit:

National Catholic Register: Blogs: Russell Shaw: God's Providential Plan for Us Embraces Everything We Do - Even Politics (24 JUL 24)

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