21 February 2012

National Center for Safe Routes to School Releases Resource

To highlight the visible results gained by communities and to provide examples of how successful Safe Routes to School programs have tracked progress, the National Center for Safe Routes to School has developed a three-part series of Getting Results resources. Getting Results: SRTS Programs That Reduce Speeding and Distracted Driving, the second installment of the three-part series, was recently released.

Getting Results: SRTS Programs That Reduce Speeding and Distracted Driving focuses on how Safe Routes to School programs in Brattleboro, VT; Greenville, NC; Rockville, MD; Washington, DC; and Alexandria, VA., measured success in reducing the numbers of speeding cars and distracted drivers. The program leaders used a variety of activities to decrease dangerous driving behavior, including installing or upgrading pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure, enforcing speed and distracted driving laws and conducting public information campaigns.

The resource offers recommendations, including SRTS programs that aim to reduce speeding and distracted driving should take a baseline measurement of the targeted behavior before implementing any strategic changes so that it can be compared to behavior once those efforts are underway or complete.

Background information:

National Center for Safe Routes to School

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