25 February 2012

Marcellino D'Ambrosio Offers Ideas for a Fruitful Lenten Observance

In a recent post in The Integrated Catholic Life, Dr. Marcellino D'Ambrosio offered number of suggestions for making this year’s observance of Lent a fruitful one.

Included in this recommendations are:

  • Get up earlier than anyone else in your house and spend your first 15 minutes of the day thanking God for the gift of life and offering your day to Him.
  • Make a decision to read at least some Scripture every day.
  • Even if you can’t get to daily Mass, get a daily Catholic Missal or go online or get Catholic One smart phone app to get a list of the readings used each day in Mass, and read these readings daily.  During special seasons such as Lent, the Mass readings are thematically coordinated and make for a fantastic Bible study!
  • Make it a habit to stop at least five times a day, raise your heart and mind to God, and say a short prayer such as “Jesus, I love you,” or “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner,” or “Lord, I offer it up for you.”
  • Pray each day for your bishop and all the bishops of the Catholic Church.
  • Pray for your enemies.  In fact, think of the person who has most hurt you or who most annoys you and spend several minutes each day thanking God for that person and asking God to bless him or her.

To access Dr. D'Ambrosio’s post, please visit:

The Integrated Catholic Life: 40 Ways to get the Most out of Lent (22 FEB 12)

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