21 February 2012

Msgr. Pope on Our Need for Prayer

“The second Milestone on the Highway to heaven is that we all need help. You didn’t hear about Jesus all by your self. Somebody told you about Him. Faith comes by hearing, and that means we need someone to tell us and teach us about Christ.

“As I write this today, I am powerfully aware that I am the result of prayer. I am aware that the healing, and the gifts the Lord has given me, have come from him, but through others. Yes, we are not believers today just because we’re so good, or so right. We’re believers because somebody has been praying for us, witnessing to us."

In his commentary on last Sunday’s reading, Monsignor Charles Pope (pastor of Holy Comforter-Saint Cyprian Parish, Washington, DC) reflected on, among other points, the dependency each of us has on the prayers, examples, and outreach of others. In turn this serves as a reminder of the need for our own prayers, example-setting, and outreach. We each have relatives, friends, acquaintances, and others who touch our lives who need our prayers and sacrifices, who need us to do our part, whatever that part may be.

As Msgr. Pope reminds us, “An old Gospel song says, Somebody prayed for me. Had me on their mind, took the time and prayed for me. I’m so glad they prayed, I’m so glad they prayed for me.

To access Msgr. Pope's complete post, please visit:

Msgr. Charles Pope: Four Mileposts on the Highway to Heaven – A Meditation on the Gospel of the 7th Sunday of the Year (18 FEB 12)

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