26 November 2012

Catholic Response to Environmental Issues

“Care for creation has been a hallmark of Pope Benedict XVI’s papacy.

“From his 2009 encyclical ‘Caritas in Veritate’ (‘Charity in Truth’) to his leadership in guiding the Vatican to reduce its carbon footprint, Pope Benedict continues an 800-year Catholic tradition of holding up the environment as a gift from God that must be protected and sustained.

“His writings on the environment are so extensive that some Catholics call him the ‘green’ pope.”

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, the Catholic Coalition on Climate Change, and The Catholic University of America’s Institute for Policy Research and Catholic Studies recently collaborated to host “A Catholic Consultation on Environmental Justice and Climate Change: Assessing Pope Benedict XVI’s Ecological Vision for the Catholic Church in the United States,” a symposium examining the relationship between environmental justice and the Church.

To access a report on this symposium, please visit:

Boston Pilot: The 'green' pope: Benedict's calls for creation care earns notice (23 NOV 12)

To access a news report of the conference’s keynote address by Bishop Bernard Unabali of Bougainville, Papua New Guinea, please visit:

Catholic News Service: Bishop links respect for environment to church's sacramental life (9 NOV 12)

Background information:

Catholic Coalition on Climate Change: Catholic Social Teaching and Climate Change

Encyclical Letter of Pope Benedict XVI: “Caritas in veritate”

Catholic Climate Covenant

The Catholic University of America: Institute for Policy Research & Catholic Studies

United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

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